

ohhhhh it's almost wednesday and i cannot wait for what the rest of the week holds!
hopefully class will go pretty decently and i can actually make it to class on time. this weather needs to be over. i've been hoofing it to class everday, not to mention i think they fact that my bike needs some tuneage has something to do with it. ugggh
thursday, momma is picking me up and i'll be heading back to the great white north, NEPA. it'll be nice to see family, my pup and my neices. i also can pick up a few key items from home that i'm still without. i get my REPLACEMENT phone finally, since this clumsy mcclumster lost her phone on a whirlwind of course. the negative, dentist and dr apts. kill me now. but this saturday...OH this saturday, we're doin this!:
and laur and i will be requesting these all nite:

and throw a little misfits in there, we'll be happy.
get schwasted.

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